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[外絮] 賈霸給予斑馬的建議

最新2023-07-11 01:32:00
推噓113 ( 122997 )
原標題:Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gives Victor Wembanyama advice after debut (賈霸在文班亞馬初登板後給予一些建議) 來源:https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/37981369 作者:Andrew Lopez 原文+翻譯: LAS VEGAS -- Following his summer league debut Friday night, Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama admitted there were times when he didn't know what he was doing on the court. 拉斯維加斯——在星期五於夏季聯賽初登板後,馬刺隊新秀文班亞馬坦承有時候不知道自 己在場上打什麼。 On Saturday afternoon, Wembanyama was able to get some advice from another former No. 1 overall pick in Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. 在星期六中午,文班亞馬從另一位前選秀狀元——賈霸口中得到一些建議。 Wembanyama and Abdul-Jabbar, who sat baseline near the Spurs bench Friday night, spoke on a panel at the inaugural NBA Con hosted by Basketball Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas. 在星期五晚上,文班亞馬陪同坐在靠近馬刺隊座位之場邊的賈霸,在由籃球名人堂成員 Isiah Thomas 主持的首屆 NBA 大會上,發表了一些談話。 "As of today, I'm just a rookie," Wembanyama said. "I don't have one game in me and I just got everything to learn. 文班亞馬說: 「時至今日,我只是一位新秀而已。我從未打過任何比賽,而且還有很多要學習的。」 "So the truth was yeah, I didn't know what I was doing and for the next games I'm probably not going to know what I'm doing, too. But it's going to come as time goes on and hopefully we'll be ready for the season. But yeah, I'm just like a kid right now. I mean I'm still a kid. Just ready to learn." 「所以說真的,我不知道我做了什麼,而且我也不可能知道下一場比賽時會做些什麼。但 隨著時間過去,一切將會到來,希望能在開季前做好準備。但不管怎樣,我如今只是一 個小孩子,是準備學習新知的小孩子。」 Abdul-Jabbar told Wembanyama that he was in a similar situation when he was drafted in 1969 by the Milwaukee Bucks. He said he was starting in his first exhibition game and didn't have any time to work his way into the role. 賈霸向文班亞馬說,他當初在一九六九年的選秀中被公鹿抽中時,情況剛好相似。他說自 己在第一場熱身賽時就以先發登場,結果沒有任何時間熟悉本身的角色。 Of course, things turned out fine for the six-time NBA champion and MVP who held the league's scoring record until it was broken by LeBron James this past season. Abdul-Jabbar told Wembanyama that things do take a while to start happening but he's confident they will happen. 當然,對於這位在LBJ 於上賽季取代他成為歷史得分王前,保持著這個記錄好一段時間的 六屆NBA 總冠軍和MVP 得主來說,一切都會變好的。賈霸向文班亞馬說,事情總需要一段 時間才會發生,但他相信最終是會出現的。 "You have things to learn but as you see he's an intelligent young man, he'll get it done," Abdul-Jabbar said. 賈霸說: 「你還有很多需要學習的東西,但相信作為有智慧的年輕人,你是做得到的。」 Wembanyama said it meant a lot to him on Friday to see Abdul-Jabbar in the crowd as one of the thousands inside the sold-out Thomas & Mack Center. 文班亞馬說能在星期五,於全場賣空的Thomas & Mack 球館之觀眾面前親眼目睹賈霸,對 他而言意義非凡。 "It just means a lot and it shows who the people who care truly are and who the people who are interested in the new generations are," Wembanyama said, adding that it was an honor to share the stage with Abdul-Jabbar and Thomas. 文班亞馬說:「這意味著很多事,而且也表明了真正關心的人、對新生代感興趣的人之 身份」,同時補充,能與賈霸同台是一件值得榮耀的事。 "And I can never be thankful enough for the chance I have and how lucky I am and to be able to play soon in the NBA in the summer league and with people like Kareem in attendance." 「我對所擁有的機會、我的幸運、能在夏季聯賽開始打球及能與賈霸一起亮相,永遠都感 激不盡。」 Thomas asked Abdul-Jabbar about some of the differences he sees in the modern game after pointing out the various ways Wembanyama was used Friday, including bringing the ball up the court and trying to run the offense from the top of the key. Isiah Thomas在點出文班亞馬於星期五比賽時使用的各種模式,包括把球帶入前場、試圖 從上面展開進攻等後,詢問賈霸在現代比賽中可以看到的差別。 "Isiah, we were over-coached, that's all I'm going to say," Abdul-Jabbar said, drawing laughter from the crowd gathered inside the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. "We were over-coached. 賈霸說:「我只能說,我們已經被教過頭了。」這時在曼德勒海灣會展中心的群眾哄堂大 笑起來。 "If I tried to bring the ball upcourt, within seconds I'd be sitting next to the coach and he'd be telling me, 'No, you do that again and your ass is going to wear some splinters in it until you get it right and give the ball to the guard and we're going to run this play or that play or the other.'" 「如果我嘗試把球帶到前場,數秒鐘之後我就會坐在教練身旁,接著他會跟我說,『不, 你再這樣做的話,在做對來前你會有一些麻煩。記得,球要傳給那個後衛,我們要實施 的是這個戰術。』」 (編按:這部分為略譯,不太清楚其中一部分內容是什麼意思) Wembanyama spoke about wanting to bring championships to the San Antonio Spurs organization, and Abdul-Jabbar also gave him some advice on how to make that happen. 文班亞馬也談到想要為馬刺奪得總冠軍的事,而賈霸也就此給了一些忠告。 "The difficulty is in learning how you can best contribute to a winning effort," Abdul-Jabbar said. "That's what you got to learn how to do with your skill set. And you will find out what that is basically in preseason, you'll find out a lot about that." 賈霸說: 「難處在於要學習如何能最好地為努力取勝作出貢獻,這就是你必須學習如何利用你的技 巧來做的事。然後你就會發現這是在熱身賽時,通常會發生的事。」 備註: https://twitter.com/tom_orsborn/status/1677810869684809730 Kareem gives Wembanyama some financial advice: “Be careful, save your money, and then 20 years from now you will say, “I am glad I listened to Kareem.” 賈霸也給了文班亞馬理財上的建議:「(花錢)要小心點,存點錢吧」;在二十年後的今 天,你就會說,「有幸能聽從賈霸的話。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1688873587.A.718.html

228 則留言

hbkhhhdx2006, 1F

a10141013, 2F

Nuey, 3F
好好執行POPO的戰術 存錢 沒了

encorej77107, 4F
我覺得有點藉口啦 他都打過職業聯賽了 打個夏聯

ccl007, 5F

encorej77107, 6F

mvpdirk712, 7F
斑馬:你賈霸嗎? 賈霸:阿不然哩?

h5t6566556, 8F
不聽老人言 吃虧在眼前

h5t6566556, 9F
錢確實要存 搞到破產的大有人在 賈霸中肯

zsp9081a, 10F

ZoeyDestiny, 11F
斑馬的意思是法甲比夏聯還爛囉 一場都沒打過?

linus, 12F

alittleghost, 13F

Giovinazzi99, 14F

Mydickisbig, 15F
為啥一直找藉口啊 你打了狀元郎不該打出的表現欸

Mydickisbig, 16F
還在那邊kid 我的皇帝在妳的年紀已經是king 了

dkl1027, 17F

qpeter, 18F
存錢很重要 運動員差不多40歲左右考慮退休 往後可能

encorej77107, 19F
而且早在去年就確定一定狀元 今年要去NBA了

madeathmao, 20F

qpeter, 21F
得再活近50年 畢竟有商業頭腦的運動員 是少數中的少

encorej77107, 22F

qpeter, 23F

Kazmier, 24F

還好吧 不然要講什麼 搶教練的角色?

zyic, 26F

sustto, 27F
先練瑜珈 再學俄羅斯桑搏

Mydickisbig, 28F

Pinky555, 29F

Jeffrey0221, 30F

zyic, 31F

zyic, 32F

laptic, 33F

ywl6170, 34F
POPO昨天看完簽了五年八千萬 老爺要操爆了 斑馬皮

ywl6170, 35F

V9911014, 36F

musichour, 37F
暑假好好沉澱吧 斑馬最近外務是真的多 還有NIKE的

Kindle777, 38F

love1500274, 39F

leo255112, 216F

leo255112, 217F

power2618, 218F
講了一堆本來就知道的事情 乾脆別講

EugeneSue, 219F

cj0920, 220F

cj0920, 221F

KwonCho, 222F

KwonCho, 223F

shawncarter, 224F

ovaka, 225F
推賈霸 有智慧又關心籃球新秀

jason61206, 226F

Accross, 227F

jomon817, 228F
至少態度很好啊 才19歲能這樣說話

yangjam, 229F

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