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[外絮] 太陽、爵士、獨行俠對七六人 Tobias Harris 有興趣

最新2023-06-25 20:49:00
推噓82 ( 88651 )
原標題:Suns, Jazz, and Mavericks also showing interest in the Sixers' Tobias Harris (太陽、爵士、獨行俠都對七六人的 Tobias Harris 有興趣) 來源:https://is.gd/B8agcp 作者:Keith Pompey 原文+翻譯: What will the 76ers do? 七六人會怎樣做呢? Will they stand pat and hold onto Tobias Harris heading into the final season of his contract? Or will they succumb to the inquiries they’re receiving and trade the power forward for complementary players and assets? 他們是否會站在原地,靜靜地看著 Tobias Harris (下稱「拖把」) 進入其合約的最後一 年呢?還是他們會屈服於已經收到的詢問,將這位大前鋒交易出去並換來一些球員和交易 資產? The Sixers have been adamant that they’re not willing to trade him unless it drastically improves their team. They made that clear on draft night and don’ t intend to change their stance. 七六人隊一直都表示,除非(換來的球員)能大幅度地改善球隊表現,否則他們不打算把 他交易出去。他們已經在選秀之夜上清楚表明這一點,迄今也無意改變這個立場。 However, the Phoenix Suns, Utah Jazz, and Dallas Mavericks joined the previously mentioned Cleveland Cavaliers, Indiana Pacers, and Detroit Pistons as teams making inquiries about the 30-year-old’s availability, according to sources. 但是,消息人士的說法是,除了先前的騎士隊、溜馬隊和活塞隊之外,太陽隊、爵士隊和 獨行俠隊都曾詢問過這位三十歲球員是否可以被交易。 A source said the Suns want Harris to play alongside Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, and Bradley Beal. And they want to acquire him before the start of free agency on June 30 because of possible second apron ramifications. 其中一個消息人士說,太陽隊希望拖把能和KD、書人和比爾一起上場比賽。而因為可能 存在的第二層硬上限影響,他們希望在六月三十日自由市場開始前完成交易。 The only thing is Phoenix would have to move Deandre Ayton. The Sixers have no interest in the 7-foot, 250-pounder with three years and $102 million left on his contract. And why would they when franchise player and reigning MVP Joel Embiid, like Ayton, plays center? 唯一的問題在於,太陽將不得不讓出艾頓,可是七六人隊對這位身高七尺、體重二百五十 磅,且還有總值一點零二億美元的三年合約在身的球員沒有興趣。而且,為何他們要讓一 位球星和MVP得主鉛筆競爭中鋒位置呢? The Sixers also don’t have any interest in any of the players the Suns would make available. 且七六人也對任何太陽隊有意讓出的球員不表興趣。 So Phoenix wants the Sixers to get a third team involved to facilitate the deal, according to a source. However, the Sixers are unwilling to do so. 因此根據消息人士的說法,太陽隊要求七六人隊讓第三隊加入這筆交易。可是,七六人沒 有意願這樣做。 The Pacers were interested in acquiring Harris during Thursday’s NBA draft. However, sources said they didn’t have enough assets to acquire him. That probably won’t change, as Harris is scheduled to make $39.2 million in 2023-24, the final season of the five-year, $180 million deal he signed in 2019. 在星期四的選秀大會上,溜馬隊據報有意網羅拖把;但是消息人士說,該隊沒有足夠的本 錢來得到他。這可能不會有變化,因為拖把在2023-24 賽季的薪資將達到三千九百二十萬 美元,而且這將是他在二零一九年簽下的五年一點八億美元合約中的最後一年。 Last week, sources told The Inquirer the Sixers are overvaluing Harris and asking for “outrageous packages in return.” That goes in line with what a source said the Sixers told the Cavs what it would take days before the draft: A package of Jarrett Allen, Evan Mobley, and a draft pick. 上個星期,消息人士向《費城問詢者》表示,七六人已經高估了拖把的價值,且更要求「 離譜的交易包回報」。這與另一位消息人士先前表示、七六人隊在選秀大會數日前告知騎 士隊的要求是一致的:包括 Jarrett Allen、Evan Mobley 和一支選秀籤在內的交易包。 There’s no way the Cavs would consider making that deal, and the Sixers knew it. 七六人已經明確知道,騎士隊不可能會考慮這筆交易。 Allen, a 6-foot-11 center, was named an All-Star during the 2021-22 season. Mobley, a 7-foot power forward, was the third overall pick in the 2021 NBA draft. This past season, he became the second-youngest player in NBA history to be named to an All-Defensive first team. 六尺十一寸的中鋒 Allen 曾在 2021-22 賽季入選全明星賽;七尺的大前鋒 Mobley 則是 二零二一年選秀中的探花,在上賽季中還成為聯盟歷史上入選防守第一隊的第二年輕球員 。(編按:最年輕的是1999-00 賽季的 Kobe Bryant) A source said Sixers president of basketball operations Daryl Morey “isn’t negotiating in good faith.” 一位消息人士說,七六人籃球營運總裁莫雷「在談判中未展現誠意」。 But the Sixers’ demands aren’t surprising. 不過七六人隊的要求不令人驚訝。 The reported deals go in line with their having no intention of trading Harris at this time. A move that drastically improves the team is the only thing that would budge them from their stance. 據報導,這些交易與他們目前無意交易拖把的想法一致。一個能大幅度地改善球隊表現的 舉動,將是唯一能讓他們改變立場的選項。 And the acquisitions of Allen and Mobley definitely would do that. So give the Sixers credit for being straight-forward and sticking to their word even though they were fully aware the Cavs would quickly decline. 而得到 Allen 和 Mobley,將可以實現這一點。因此要讚揚一下七六人,畢竟雖然明知騎 士隊將斷然拒絕,但他們仍然表現出直率、信守承諾之意。 It’s similar to when they kept increasing their trade demands for Ben Simmons to certain teams until they achieved their No. 1 goal of obtaining James Harden from the Brooklyn Nets for the disgruntled former All-Star. 這和他們過去不斷向一些球隊增加把西門交易出去的要求,以至最終實現他們從籃網隊得 到哈登的首要目標的情況相似。 Sixteen months later, new Sixers coach Nick Nurse is said to be excited to coach Harris. 十六個月後,七六人隊新主教練 Nick Nurse 表示對能執教拖把感到興奮。 Sources said Nurse intends to get him more involved, offensively, than he was under Doc Rivers last season as the fourth option. 消息人士說,Nurse 有意讓他在進攻上參與得比上賽季在老河麾下時的更多。 If things don’t work out, the Sixers will have other opportunities to trade him before the 2024 trade deadline. If things go well, they could look to re-sign him at a more realistic rate once he becomes a free agent next summer. 如果進展不順利,七六人隊將有其他機會在二零二四年的交易大限之前將他交易出去;相 反之下,一旦他在明年夏天成為自由球員,他們可以尋求以更實際的價碼重新簽下他。 Will the Sixers get an offer that makes them reconsider their stance? Or will we continue to see Harris in a Sixers uniform? Things are trending toward to the latter. 七六人是否會得到讓他們重新考慮本身立場的報價?還是拖把將會繼續披上七六人的戰袍 呢?依目前看來,事情正朝著後者發展。 短評: 歷史正在重演中 (?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1687655306.A.50E.html

145 則留言

Blackie9211, 1F

derekchang56, 2F
愛蹲 籤匕 雙軟連線

spikes9933, 3F
太陽是新湖人嗎 提價用

太陽是要用ayton 去換嗎?然後76組軟蛋二人組?

asdlee, 5F

llsr5566, 6F

bestteam, 7F

alan5232000, 8F
76要超貴中鋒來打替補喔 怎麼可能

taipeifinest, 9F

hasroten, 10F
拖把over me?

dwiee, 11F
Tobias Harris over me?

asd07633, 12F
我陽要了 我就問2層稅線有什好怕?

jack34031, 13F
艾頓 鉛筆 愛心筆連線


dwiee, 15F
太陽要合理 不好用 之後就能解放薪資空間

jack34031, 16F

jack34031, 17F

LKN555, 18F

AtDe, 19F

zzahoward, 20F
拖把其實是個好球員 他做超多苦工的 犧牲也很大

zzahoward, 21F

icelocker, 22F
拖把唯一的問題:合約太貴 不然是稱職的綠葉球員

Tabrisyang, 23F
拖把是挺貴的 但是這兩季包含季後賽都穩定輸出

Tabrisyang, 24F
主將在可以打無球 主將不在可以消化球權

yoyonigo, 25F
騎士那筆超好笑的 怎麼敢提出來啊 XD

xyz40273xyz, 26F

louisywca, 27F
這根本是76人的記者來抬價的吧 太陽丟艾頓禁區怎麼

louisywca, 28F

rondoya, 29F

axi, 30F

Jaydavid, 31F

kaimar, 32F
76人不敢興趣的三方交易該不會是 Ayton去獨行俠 獨

kaimar, 33F
行俠不差包去76人 拖把到太陽嗎? XD

o0991758566, 34F
包括 Jarrett Allen、Evan Mobley 和一支選秀籤XDD

o0991758566, 35F

axi, 36F

mhkt, 37F

laptic, 38F
不能不懷疑 (?)

gundam01, 39F
76人現在不都是加價賣 反正西門被他們凹成功一次

swayoung, 132F

beariscut, 133F
稱職?季後賽根本被打爆 也無法得分 沒3沒D 根本爛

beariscut, 134F

kurtc, 135F

SlamKai, 136F
熱火換拖把 是要吉巴天天嘴他嗎

sezna, 137F

wanderenzo, 138F
他連三哥都扛不起… Maxey還比較罩

tj456913, 139F
這爛咖那麼熱門喔 哈哈哈

attpp, 140F

melzard, 141F

wei33huang, 142F

dragon2000, 143F

rolandgjh, 144F
Ayton好歹也能穩定雙十,這隻能幹嘛= =

jorden, 145F

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