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[情報] 熱火隊球員賽後訪問統整

最新2023-05-27 13:59:00
推噓51 ( 51042 )
1. JIMMY BUTLER https://youtu.be/TZPLlTmQg0o
Q. Jimmy, your guys are still leading 3-2. You have a home game to close it out. What's the sense of being up 3-0 and losing two in a row by a combined 30 points in the locker room from you? What's the mindset now with where the series stands? 問:Jimmy,你們目前還領先3-2。你們還有一場主場比賽的機會,來結束這系列賽。當你 們以3-0領先,接著連續輸掉兩場比賽,這兩場加起來輸了30分時,你的感受是什麼?考 慮到目前系列賽的形勢,你們的心態如何? JIMMY BUTLER: We've just got to play better. Start the game off better, on the starters, make it more difficult for them. They are in a rhythm since the beginning of the game. But we are always going to stay positive, knowing that we can and we will win this series. We'll just have to close it out at home. JIMMY BUTLER:我們需要打得更好。先發球員從一開始就要有更好的表現,讓對方打得更 難。比賽一開始他們就進入了節奏。但我們會保持積極的態度,知道我們能夠贏得這個系 列賽。我們只需要在主場結束這一切。 Q. To follow up on that, why is it that your confidence and the group's confidence remains so high given the way the last two games unfolded? 問:接續上一個問題,這兩場無法關門收下系列賽,為什麼你的信心和團隊的信心仍然如 此高昂。 JIMMY BUTLER: Because the last two games are not who we are. It just happened to be that way. We stopped playing defense halfway because we didn't make shots that we want to make. But that's easily correctable. You just have to come out and play harder from the jump. Like I always say, it's going to be all smiles and we are going to keep it very, very, very consistent, knowing that we are going to win next game. JIMMY BUTLER:因為過去兩場比賽,不是我們該有的表現。但事情就這樣發生了。因為我 們在進攻端沒有得到我們想要的,所以放棄了防守。但這是可以很容易修正的。我們只需 要從一開始就更加努力地打球。就像我總是說,我們將始終保持微笑,非常非常非常堅定 地相信我們會贏得下一場比賽。 Q. We have talked in here about how they have made it harder on Bam. What does it look like to you that the Celtics have changed defensively? 問:我們之前在這裡討論過,他們如何讓Bam打的不自在。根據你的觀察,塞爾提克隊在 防守上做了哪些改變? JIMMY BUTLER: I think they pack the paint really well, switching really well and just contesting shots without fouling. I think that's the game as a whole. But it's on us to get him in better positions to score the ball, get it to him in transition and stuff like that. When you look at the film and look at how we can be better and getting him into his spots with the ball, with the position and with the time on the clock to score, we'll be better at that. JIMMY BUTLER:我覺得他們在禁區防守和輪轉防守做得很出色,且在不犯規的情況下進行 防守。我認為這場比賽就是這樣。但我們需要讓Bam在更好的位置得分,將球傳給他,利 用轉換進攻等方式。當我們觀看比賽影片時,思考如何讓他更好地找到位置、拿到球且有 時間的去得分,而我們在這方面會有所改進。 Q. Obviously you miss Gabe and he's important and now there's no Gabe, there's no Tyler, there's no Vic. Other guys did step up and given contributions: Haywood, Duncan. Is there a comfort in knowing that there are other guys there and that they were able to step for you and there's other numbers and guys to call upon if needed? 問: 顯然,你們少了Gabe Vincent,他很重要,但現在少了Gabe、Tyler Herro、 Victor Oladipo。 其他人也確實挺身而出並做出了貢獻,像是Haywood Highsmith、 Duncan Robinson。 這是否會讓您感到寬慰,知道還有其他人能夠挺身而出,並且如果需 要的話還有其他人可以貢獻。 JIMMY BUTLER: Yeah, without a doubt. Guys are so confident because they have been in this position all year long with guys in and out of the lineup. They are constantly working on their game. So they don't switch up anything just because it's Game 5 of the playoffs or Game 5 of the season. They are going to do what they are comfortable with. They are going to do whatever you ask them to do. They are going to play well. I feel like they did in the possessions and the time that they got out there. JIMMY BUTLER:是的,毫無疑問。這些球員非常自信,因為整個賽季他們一直處於這種情 況下,陣容裡有人進出。他們不斷地提升自己。所以他們不會是因為季後賽第5場或例行 賽第5場比賽,而改變任何事情。他們會做他們熟悉的事情。他們會按照你的要求去做, 也將會打得好。而我也確實覺得他們在場上的時候表現很好。 2. BAM ADEBAYO https://youtu.be/mEfP5vkWaAg
Q. From our vantage point it looks like the Celtics are crowding the lane when they are on defense a lot more and have a lot bigger crowd around you. What are you seeing from the Celtics' defense that maybe you had not seen in the first two games? 問:從我們的角度看,塞爾提克在禁區似乎塞滿了人,導致你身邊有更多防守者。對於塞 爾提克的防守,你有沒有看到一些之前兩場比賽中沒有看到的變化。 BAM ADEBAYO: Definitely more of a packed paint. For me, man, just got to pick up that sense of urgency and watch film and get back to the basics. BAM ADEBAYO:禁區絕對是更擁擠。對我來說,我只需要增加緊迫感,觀看錄影帶,回歸 基本面。 Q. Jimmy was just up here a few minutes ago expressing confidence saying you guys are going to take Game 6. Is that confidence still permeating the locker room even after these last two games? 問:幾分鐘前,Jimmy在這裡談到了信心,表示你們將贏得第6場比賽。即使在過去的兩場 比賽之後,這種自信心是否仍然存在於休息室中? BAM ADEBAYO: Yeah, why would we lose confidence? When we started this journey, nobody believed in us. Everybody thought we were going to be out in the first round. Everybody thought we were going to be out in the second round. And now we are here one game away. For us, we've always had confidence, and that's not going to go away. BAM ADEBAYO:當然,我們為什麼要失去信心呢?當我們開始這段旅程時,沒有人相信我 們。每個人都認為我們會在第一輪出局。每個人都認為我們會在第二輪出局。現在,我們 只差一場比賽了。對於我們來說,我們一直都有信心,這不會消失。 Q. You said you had to pick up the urgency, back to the offense and what Boston is doing. What do you have to do when you see this, or your teammates, whether it's getting you the ball quicker or do you need to catch it in different spots? What do you have to change? 問:你說你需要加快進攻節奏,針對波士頓的做法,你和你的隊友需要做些什麼,無論是 更快地把球傳給你,還是你需要在不同的位置接球?你需要做出什麼改變? BAM ADEBAYO: I feel like we all -- the offense has just got to get a little bit more movement, and you know open shots, we take them. Everybody got to be aggressive. BAM ADEBAYO:我覺得我們的進攻需要更有流動性,並且,有空檔投籃機會,我們要把握 住。而每個人都需要積極進攻。 3. DUNCAN ROBINSON https://youtu.be/0ifbtg9Rg70
Q. Obviously it's not optimal to go without Gabe with all he's done, and being without Tyler and being without Vic, a bunch of other guys. You stepped up today, Haywood stepped up today. How important is it for you other guys to sort of, here we are, we are willing to give what we can to do a little more and more collectively with three main guards out? 問:少了Gabe Vincent、Tyler Herro、Victor Oladipo,加上還有其他一些球員表現並 不理想。而你今天表現出色,Haywood也有出色的表現。對於你們這些其他球員來說,得 必須努力更多地做出貢獻,而這有多重要? 特別是在三名主力後衛缺陣的情況下? DUNCAN ROBINSON: Yeah, we know that one person isn't going to replace what Gabe, Tyler, Vic bring. So it's kind of got to be by committee. I thought H, for somebody who hasn't played yet in this series, to come in and step up like that is a really encouraging sign. He has earned that opportunity and does a lot behind the scenes to be prepared for a moment like that. We are not here for moral victories. So that's why we are shifting all our focus to Saturday. DUNCAN ROBINSON:是的,我們知道一個人無法取代Gabe、Tyler和Vic所帶來的貢獻。所 以這需要整個團隊共同努力。對於Haywood來說,他在這個系列賽中還沒有上場,但能夠 像他那樣站出來表現真的很振奮人心。他贏得了這樣的機會,也在背後做了很多準備。我 們不是來追求精神勝利的。所以我們現在要把所有的注意力轉移到週六的比賽上。 Q. What adjustments has Boston made in the last two games to really make things tough for Bam and Jimmy in the paint? 問:波士頓在過去的兩場比賽中做了哪些調整,讓Bam和Jimmy在禁區內面臨更艱難的挑戰 ? DUNCAN ROBINSON: Yeah, they are playing faster, for sure. Shooting more threes, which is a little bit more their identity that they have kind of had throughout the season. We are not surprised by that. Kind of knew that's what it was going to be. Just got to make it difficult and continue to make it hard. They are a good team, talented players. We have got some guys as well, so just continue to make it difficult. DUNCAN ROBINSON:他們比以前打得更快。他們三分球投更多,這更符合他們整個賽季的 風格。我們對此並不感到驚訝。我們早就知道會是這樣。我們只需要讓他們感到艱難,繼 續加大防守強度。他們是一支強大的球隊,有才華的球員。我們也有一些好球員,所以我 們要繼續讓他們感到艱難。 Q. What was Spo's main message after this one? 問:這場比賽之後,Spo傳達了什麼信息? DUNCAN ROBINSON: Just to really not forget this. Shift our focus to Saturday, but let this sting. Let this carry with us, and do what it takes to just maintain that edge that we play our best with. DUNCAN ROBINSON:他只是希望我們不要忘記這場比賽。將焦點轉移到週六,但要記住這 場失敗。讓這場比賽的教訓伴隨我們,並做出一切必要的努力,保持我們最佳狀態。 Q. Coach just talked about the energy the Celtics brought early, but their defensive energy they brought, the grabbing and closing in on guys, it's a change from the first three games. Can you talk about the Celtics' defense tonight? 問:教練剛剛談到塞爾提克隊在比賽一開始帶來的能量,以及他們在防守方面所展現的活 力,球員更加的糾纏和逼近,這和前三場比賽有所不同。你能談談今晚塞爾提克隊的防守 嗎? DUNCAN ROBINSON: Yeah, playing in front of a home crowd like that, they were flying around making plays. We expected that. They are a good team. They can do it on both ends. They have done it on both ends all year. But we are a good team. I don't want to say we were surprised by it, but they raised their level and we've got to adjust. We've got to raise ours as well. DUNCAN ROBINSON:在這樣的主場氛圍下,他們飛來飛去,制造出很多防守上的出色表現 。這是我們預料到的。他們是一支強大的球隊,在進攻和防守兩端都很出色,這整個賽季 他們一直如此。雖然我們並不對此感到驚訝,但他們提升了表現,我們需要做出適應。我 們也需要提升自己的表現。 --- Spo的太長 跳過 >_> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1685114424.A.54F.html

93 則留言

XXXaBg, 1F
Vincent G6能打嗎

love1500274, 2F

imlingary, 3F

yyes5210, 4F

wwfrock14, 5F
Underdog 加油

yugowolf, 6F
感覺不太妙 只剩下無限信心喊話 可惜人手就是不足

kingfsg7326, 7F
沒人訪問蘿莉嗎? 他到底在幹嘛

yugowolf, 8F
今天讓蘿莉先發 進攻卡 防守又一直漏 被底角爽射

MK47, 9F
蘿莉就老了狀態很不穩定 例行賽就這樣了

MK47, 10F

yugowolf, 11F
等於第1節就被帶走了 熱火自己3分命中率也下修

Broyz, 12F

Broyz, 13F

love1500274, 14F

airmike, 15F

truejoker, 16F

matsuwu, 17F

Iori2010, 18F

aa01081008tw, 19F

JonnyJostar, 20F
主控 副控 都倒了 剩下一個老到不行的

Iori2010, 21F

熱火假設過了這輪 大概也都傷痕累累了 打金塊難了

Ayanami5566, 23F
熱火這破陣容打到這邊已經是奇蹟了 差不多要下去了

Iori2010, 24F

Ayanami5566, 25F
本來賽爾蒂克打熱火 橫掃都不意外 現在只是回歸正

Ayanami5566, 26F

luvstarrysky, 27F
還是希望能走到冠軍賽 不過誰上去應該都會被金塊

luvstarrysky, 28F

love1500274, 29F
青賽原本還有機會 但Brogdon那個傷勢 對青賽很傷

reaman, 30F
蘿莉今天是開場直接送頭 怎麼打

mepass, 31F

mepass, 32F

showmehe, 33F
Vincent沒這麼嚴重吧 希望可以回來啊

cyd1218, 34F

SlamKai, 35F
不求羅莉爆發 但求別送頭調整難度

ewc024, 36F

william7713, 37F
這一系列賽 蘿莉上場就是不知道在打啥 今天也是

free555337, 38F

aegis80728, 39F
熱火拖越久越不利 傷兵滿營 先發最後也會氣力放盡

aloness, 80F

SlamKai, 81F

KOEI56, 82F
沒意外G6 Vincent應該會硬上 死磕最後一場

Syoshinsya, 83F

Syoshinsya, 84F
就算賽隊最後創造歷史,也輪不到熱火變笑話吧 XD

conniemywife, 85F
贏綠賽還是可以阿 bam突然變得像歐拉朱萬這麼猛 總

conniemywife, 86F

conniemywife, 87F
其實很想問 阿萊利不是很強嗎 奇怪了 熱火照理來說

conniemywife, 88F
要總冠等級欸 怎只有這樣

CsvsLinginoo, 89F

CsvsLinginoo, 90F
強的高順位球隊逆轉怎麼會是笑話 原本官方及多數球

CsvsLinginoo, 91F
迷都預計青賽橫掃或五場解決欸 熱火已經拖到最少七

CsvsLinginoo, 92F
場欸 無論系列賽熱火輸或贏都絕對載入歷史了

hit0123, 93F
贏兩場就看到有人屁股都翹起來了 XD