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[外絮] LeBron James 的第二十個賽季

最新2023-05-17 19:34:00
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[外絮] LeBron James 的第二十個賽季
EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (AP) — As his NBA career approaches the dawn of its third decade, LeBron James plays almost exclusively alongside teammates who grew up watching him dominate their game. 隨著他的 NBA 生涯跨足第三個十年, LeBron James 現在,幾乎只和那些一路看著他宰制聯盟長大的隊友一起打球。 He has played against the sons of his basketball contemporaries, and he has played against one of his own 18-year-old son’s former high school teammates. That son, Bronny, is headed to college at USC in the fall, an achievement that sparks a father’s proud smile whenever he mentions it. 他曾經對陣過和自己球員時代同期選手的兒子, 也曾經對陣過自己18歲的兒子, Bronny 的高中隊友。 Bronny 將在今秋前往南加大上學,這是他的成就, 每當他提到這件事時,他都會露出一個父親驕傲的微笑。 Signs of time’s passage are all around the 38-year-old James, yet the new top scorer in NBA history is defying all conventional wisdom about growing older in his mercilessly athletic sport. 38歲的 James 身旁到處都是時間流逝的痕跡, 然而這位 NBA 歷史上的新科總得分王,仍在刷新有關這項殘酷運動中變老的所有常識。 When he’s fully healthy — which is admittedly true less often than he would like — the third-oldest active player in the league still sprints, dunks, throws no-look passes and competes with the intensity that has kept him at the top for 20 punishing NBA seasons. 當他完全健康時——必須承認他健康狀況良好的次數比他過往要少—— 這位全聯盟中第三年長的現役球員仍然持續奔跑、灌籃、聲東擊西傳球, 並維持著他在20個嚴苛的 NBA 賽季中,一直保持頂尖的強烈競爭心來出賽。 “Bron is just different,” Lakers big man Anthony Davis said. “He keeps showing us, showing you. He’s not done yet, either.” 「Bron 與眾不同。」湖人大個子 Anthony Davis 說。 「他一直在向我們、向觀眾展示。他還沒有打算謝幕。」 Two days before his Los Angeles Lakers eliminated the vaunted Golden State Warriors to reach the Western Conference finals last week, James was named to the All-NBA third team. James made one of the three teams for the jaw-dropping 19th time even though he played in only 56 games this season. 洛杉磯湖人在兩天前淘汰了備受讚譽的金州勇士挺進到西區冠軍賽。 而在這之前的兩天,James 被選入 All-NBA 第三隊。 儘管他本賽季只打了56場比賽,但 James 已經第19次入選年度隊伍,這令人咋舌。 “I don’t take those moments for granted,” James said. “I don’t take anything that I’ve been able to accomplish for granted, and I’m always appreciative. To be a part of that class of 15 guys is still pretty cool, even at my age and where I’m at right now, Year 20. Just don’t take it for granted. 「我不會將這些視為理所當然。」James 說。 「我不會將我所取得的任何成就視為理所當然, 對此我始終感激。即使在我這個年齡和現在的位置上,第20個賽季, 成為年度隊伍的15個人之一仍然很酷。我不會將之視為理所當然。」 “Obviously, I’ve got bigger fish to fry. But those small moments, those small wins right there, is all part of the journey, all part of the legacy.” 「顯然,我還有更重要的事情要完成。 但那些短暫的時刻,那些微小的勝利,都是旅程的一部分,也是印記的一部分。」 The big fish is his fifth NBA championship, which is somehow just eight wins away from being caught at the close of a tumultuous Lakers season. Even getting this close to James’ 11th career NBA Finals appearance is incredible, considering these Lakers started the season 2-10 and sat at 26-32 in mid- February, shortly after James broke Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s league scoring record. 更重要之事情自是第五座總冠軍。 這個目標,只有在這個動盪的湖人賽季結束前,再贏得八場比賽才能達成。 考慮到這支湖人隊在本賽季一開始就以2勝10負開局, 在 James 打破 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 的聯盟總得分紀錄,二月中旬的時間點, 湖人僅以26勝32負的戰績位居西區第9, 能一路走到 James 如此靠近他第11次NBA總冠軍賽的舞台,已經非常不可思議。 But after a 27-12 run through the past two months highlighted by knocking off second-seeded Memphis and the defending NBA champions, James’ Lakers open the conference finals at top-seeded Denver on Tuesday night. The Lakers haven’t lost back-to-back games since March 17, and they’ve lost just once at home since March 26. 在過去兩個月中,湖人隊打出了27勝12負的佳績。 其中最引人注目的,是擊退了西區第二的灰熊和衛冕冠軍勇士隊。 現在,James 和湖人隊將在星期二晚上與西區第一種子丹佛金塊, 進行西區冠軍賽的第一戰。 自3月17日以來,湖人隊還沒有發生過連敗, 自3月26日以來,他們只在主場輸過一場球。 To use the phrase frequently deployed by first-year Lakers coach Darvin Ham, James’ fingerprints are all over the Lakers’ success — particularly in their biggest games. 正如第一年擔任湖人隊主帥的 Darvin Ham 經常說的話一樣: James 的影響力,在湖人隊這期間取得的成功內隨處可見,特別是在最重要的比賽中。 In the first round, James had the first 20-point, 20-rebound playoff game of his career during the Lakers’ Game 4 victory over Memphis — and he also hit the dramatic tying shot in the final second of regulation. In the second round , James racked up 30 points, nine rebounds and nine assists in the clinching Game 6 victory over defending champion Golden State, conjuring his first 30- point playoff outing since the 2020 season. 在第一輪比賽中,James 在湖人對灰熊的第四戰中, 完成了他職業生涯中第一次季後賽雙二十(20分20籃板), 並在正規時間最後一秒攻進了令人為之驚嘆的追平上籃。 在第二輪比賽中,James 在關鍵的第六戰攻下30分9籃板9助攻, 幫助湖人隊擊敗衛冕冠軍金州勇士。 這也是他自2020年以來,首次季後賽得分超過30分的比賽。 Ham was still a player in James’ first two NBA seasons. He calls LeBron’s Year 20 performance, particularly after a late-season injury, “unreal.” 總教練 Ham 在 James 的前兩個NBA賽季,曾經是他的對手。 他表示 James 在第20個賽季的表現, 特別是在賽季後期受傷之後復出的表現,簡直是「不可思議」。 “I’ve been around some elite, top-tier, top-5 talent in the NBA as a player and a coach,” Ham said. “Kobe was nothing short of amazing. Giannis ( Antetokounmpo). (But) LeBron, I’ve never seen anything like it. ... Top five, dead or alive, ever to play in the NBA.” 「作為球員和教練,我曾經接觸過一些 NBA 中的最頂尖的球員和聯盟前五的球員, Kobe 是令人驚奇的,而 Giannis 也十分出色,但是 James 的表現超乎我生平所見, 無可比擬。...他是穩居 NBA 史上前五的球員。」 Indeed, no basketball player has ever stood on the sport’s biggest stages as often and as long as James, and he has repeatedly thrived under the spotlight of 16 NBA postseasons and three Olympics. The Lakers’ elimination of the Warriors was James’ 41st career playoff series victory, passing Derek Fisher for the most series wins by one player in NBA history. 事實上,沒有任何籃球員,能像 James 一樣如此頻繁的在大場面舞台亮相。 他在16次的 NBA 季後賽和3次奧運上一再取得成功。 湖人淘汰勇士是 James 職業生涯第41次季後賽系列賽勝利, 超越了 Derek Fisher ,成為了 NBA 歷史上贏得系列賽最多的球員。 He has played in a league-record 278 postseason games, and his 7,912 career playoff points are nearly 2,000 more than Michael Jordan (5,987) atop the NBA ’s career playoff scoring list. He’s even the fourth-leading rebounder in NBA playoff history with 2,511 boards — that’s a whopping 1,120 more than the next-highest active player, Draymond Green. 他已經打了高懸聯盟紀錄的278場季後賽比賽, 他的季後賽得分7912分,幾乎比排第二的 Michael Jordan(5987)多了將近2000分。 他甚至是 NBA 季後賽史上籃板累積數第4名,抓了2511個籃板, 比現役球員中位居第二的 Draymond Green 多出了1120個。 The Lakers’ achievements are even more impressive because James missed a full month down the regular-season stretch due to a right foot injury that still limits his explosiveness. Los Angeles went 8-5 without him and then went 6-2 after he returned in late March. 湖人隊的成就也令人印象深刻, 因為 James 在季賽的尾聲,因為右腳傷勢缺席了整整一個月, 至今仍然影響了他的爆發力。在他缺陣期間湖人隊取得了8勝5負的成績, James 在三月底回歸後,湖人隊又取得了6勝2負的佳績。 One play-in victory and two commanding playoff series wins later, the seventh- seeded Lakers are four wins away from another Finals for the four-time championship series MVP. 經歷一場季後賽附加賽的勝利,和兩輪掌握了主動權的季後賽系列賽勝利, 第七種子的湖人,距離這位四屆 FMVP 再次進入總冠軍賽,還有四場勝利的差距。 “That’s been us since we made acquisitions with our new guys,” James said. “We’ve been able to be very resilient in games. Like I said, we’ve been playing lot of basketball for about 2 1/2 months now, just trying to punch our clock and to be able to play the right way in the postseason.” 「自從我們引進新援之後,這就是我們打球的風格,」 James 說。 「我們在比賽中一直表現的很有韌性。 就像我說的,我們已經磨合了大約兩個半月,只是為了在季後賽有所表現。」 Indeed, James and Davis realize they wouldn’t be in this position without an impressive midseason reconfiguration of the roster around them. D’Angelo Russell was the Lakers’ centerpiece addition at the trade deadline, and the well-traveled guard soon learned something he didn’t know about the hard work behind James’ transcendence. 事實上,James 和 Davis 都意識到, 如果不是球隊在他們周遭,進行了一次令人印象深刻的季中陣容調整, 他們是沒有辦法走到這裡的。 在交易截止日前,D'Angelo Russell 成為湖人的核心補強生力軍, 這位輾轉多地的後衛,很快察知了一些他所不知道,關於 James 卓越成就背後的努力。 “Bron’s niche has always been preparedness,” Russell said. “A lot of guys ’ niches is shooting the ball, working hard, outworking guys. LeBron is a film junkie, a basketball junkie, a leadership junkie. To be able to watch it all from the front row, it’s almost like a cheat code.” 「Bron 的專長一直都是未雨綢繆,」 Russell 說。 「很多球員的專長是投籃、苦練、比其他人更拼命。 而 LeBron 同時是一個籃球影片癡、籃球癡、追求領袖力之人。 能夠在搖滾區觀看所有他做的這些準備工作,就像是打遊戲開了外掛一樣。」 https://youtu.be/gi4YR-8ssIg
看一場少一場 https://i.imgur.com/4PoMmXP.gif
[外絮] LeBron James 的第二十個賽季
面對金塊又回想到09年巔峰 Kobe 打巔峰 Melo,我的青春啊 話說老巴還不開釋嗎? 這樣我怎麼知道這盤怎麼下 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1684241639.A.BDB.html

103 則留言

f77928, 1F

takechance, 2F

zero9613719, 3F
母獅確實厲害 不愧是邱森萬

Khandraa, 4F

thewtf, 5F

thewtf, 6F

trayman, 7F
準備第五冠 坐穩GOAT 史上最偉大!

NukAnah, 8F

sm3bp078, 9F
加油吧 創造奇蹟!

LA24, 10F
團報 品腿 真香

vance1024, 11F
瓜哥都去養老了 姆斯還在當主將 想想真恐怖

KhePri, 12F

cloud777717, 13F

tasimichael, 14F

vinc4320, 15F
且不說拿到第五冠能不能當Goat 這才第三輪就開始肖

vinc4320, 16F

spoony, 17F

queen100000, 18F

queen100000, 19F

birdman5656, 20F

queen100000, 21F

queen100000, 22F

ivan22809, 23F

ymsc30102, 24F
只會打體能球坦克切 5年後就要被看破手腳了

s07190719, 25F

vinc4320, 26F

slowsoul1998, 27F

ouka, 28F

bigaltis01, 29F
確實懂得未雨綢繆 先跪裁判 再得球商

james0023001, 30F

每個球隊最終目標不是都是總冠軍嗎 哪來什麼肖想之

論 自己球隊出局就不要在那邊眼紅了吧

ljk476820, 33F
距離越來越近 部分人士也越來越急 嘖

jgps61203, 34F

jgps61203, 35F

evo82376, 36F

hunt5566, 37F

bobokoko, 38F
酸一場 少一場

OoyaoO, 39F

a0987761110, 94F
四強只能酸溜溜說人肖想 反正烙完一句話就跑

windfly520, 95F
活化石 看一場少一場

hinew167, 96F

Chih929, 97F
詹黑到沒有邏輯欸 ,季後賽也才打四輪,都到第三輪

Chih929, 98F

csy0922, 99F

csy0922, 100F

danny91074, 101F

twelvethflor, 102F

wainkid, 103F
有些球員從開季就在想冠軍了 不然打球只是工作而已

ePaper, 104F
開始打球的那年 今年有些球員甚至還沒出生

louis1213, 105F

ff00662299, 106F