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[閒聊] 施放魔法的時候 會有作用力與反作用力嗎?

最新2024-04-12 12:46:00
推噓5 ( 5021 )
そういえば私も魔法について気になってることがあったので、絵を描いたんですけど、 伝わりますかね? 魔法を飛ばす力が強ければ強いほど、反対向きに働く力も強くなるんじゃないかと思っ て。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK2VaAVbsAAZy2c.jpg https://x.com/akstif9eS583458/status/1778242678670647536 作者認為 施展魔法的力量越強,反作用的力量就越強 然後底下就一票亂七八糟的討論了 有人說 魔法是沒有物理效果的 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK3VQ-saUAAZqiF.jpg 如果火球有推進力的話 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK3ipO_awAAtXns.jpg 像這樣 梅林(力量B) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DO2n08ZVwAAkHVI.jpg 蠻有趣的想法 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1712851373.A.119.html

26 則留言

※ 編輯: w790818 ( 臺灣), 04/12/2024 00:04:12

Mareeta, 1F

rabbithouse, 2F

Dsfsddf, 3F

goddio, 4F
火焰通常是氣體和電漿的組合 當然有質量有作用力

peterisme17, 5F

Pietro, 6F

jiko5566, 7F

jiko5566, 8F

Acoustics, 9F
i think avoiding the necessity of newton's third la

Acoustics, 10F
w for the forces themselves is the first considerat

Acoustics, 11F

Acoustics, 12F
basically we can believe magic should lean more tow

Acoustics, 13F
ards programming eg "time complexity (for execution

Acoustics, 14F
) = x (log m)" would suffice

Acoustics, 15F
2. newton's third law becomes problematuc in the pr

Acoustics, 16F
oblematuc in the pressence of significant relativis

Acoustics, 17F
tic effects, eg magnetism observed in daily life

Acoustics, 18F
3. settings could also incorporate concepts from bo

Acoustics, 19F
sons and fermions

Acoustics, 20F
where particles can overlap in bosonic states but a

Acoustics, 21F
dhere to the pauli exclusion principle in fermionic

Acoustics, 22F

Acoustics, 23F
eg could be depicted as "even pairs of fermions beh

Acoustics, 24F
aving akin to bosons" resembling a superconductor

Acoustics, 25F
devoid of friction

Acoustics, 26F
^ almost as if it were magic

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