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[分享] 記者會大概的重點

最新2024-03-26 12:08:00
推噓11 ( 11021 )
記者會中 記者Sam Blum的記錄如下 Shohei Ohtani: “ I’m very saddened and shocked that someone who I trusted has done this.” “ I never bet on baseball or any other sports. I have never asked someone to do that on my behalf. I never went through a bookmaker.” “ Up until a couple days ago, I didn’t know this was happening.” “ Ippei has been stealing money from my account, and has told lies.” Shohei Ohtani said that Ippei never told him about the media inquiry. And then lied to Ohtani’s representatives. “ All of this has been a complete lie.” Shohei Ohtani said that Ippei had been telling people that he was communicating with Shohei, which he said wasn’t true. He said he first learned about it in the clubhouse following the first Korean Series game. Shohei Ohtani: “ I started to feel there was something amiss” during that initial team meeting. Shohei Ohtani said he did not know Ippei had a gambling addiction before the team meeting. “ I never agreed to pay off the debt or make payments to the bookmaker.” Ohtani and Ippei talked at hotel after team meeting. Shohei Ohtani said Ippei admitted stealing money and sending to the bookmaker. “ It was an absurd thing that was happening and I contacted my representatives at that point.” That’s when the reps found out he was lying, he said. Shohei Ohtani said that’s when the Dodgers and lawyers found out that they had been lied to, as well. He then again reiterated that he never bet on sports or knowingly sent money to the bookmaker. Shohei Ohtani: “ I’m beyond shocked. It’s really hard to verbalize how I am feeling at this point.” “ I am completely assisting in all investigations.” “ I’m looking forward to focusing on the season.” That marks the end of Shohei Ohtani’s statement. He didn’t take questions. https://twitter.com/SamBlum3/status/1772379483758108725 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BaseballXXXX/M.1711404282.A.598.html

32 則留言

vincent7977, 1F
1.我沒賭 也沒跟組頭接觸

vincent7977, 2F
2.一平都在鬼扯 我在韓國G1賽後才知道這件事

vincent7977, 3F
3.會配合調查 將專注在球季上

vincent7977, 4F

choobii, 5F

choobii, 6F

vincent7977, 7F

vincent7977, 8F

hanksadder, 9F

vincent7977, 10F
還賭債應該是真的 畢竟是從組頭查到大谷身上的

hanksadder, 11F
更正一下說法 水原接受媒體訪問的說法全都是畫唬爛

hanksadder, 12F
直到去飯店對質 才坦承賭博成癮 還欠了一屁股債

hanksadder, 13F

killua0209, 14F

Moukoko, 15F
錢就從大谷帳戶出來的 還賭債又變假XD

hanksadder, 16F
細節部份卡在聯盟、聯邦政府都在調查 還不能說太多

frozenmoon, 17F

frozenmoon, 18F
不管實情如何 起初的一平訪問到前後說詞不一都是敗筆

moment612, 19F

moment612, 20F

hanksadder, 21F
專訪這件事 水原從未跟大谷提起過

moonlovemai, 22F

moonlovemai, 23F

moonlovemai, 24F

moonlovemai, 25F

moonlovemai, 26F

moonlovemai, 27F

eon4, 28F

yrmmrjv, 29F
少了這麼多錢 不管怎麼樣 都很扯

nyan35890, 30F
等等,那專訪是誰安排的? 大谷團隊不知道?

bxxl, 31F

YuXun2021, 32F

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