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[分享] 姜正浩:天使蠻適合你的 阿金:但他們一

最新2023-08-05 02:08:00
推噓111 ( 118758 )
Reddit上有人翻譯酒駕姜、阿金、崔胖聊天影片內容 https://youtu.be/wqUXuuVGs6I
覺得蠻有趣,挑幾項分享一下 https://reurl.cc/Ov8lav https://reurl.cc/4o7A8v https://reurl.cc/3xl07O (On Kim's future FA eligiblity) Kim : Being able to play day to day... Kang : Straight to the point, which team do you want to play for? 酒駕姜:你FA後先想替那一隊打球啊? Kim : I want to stay with the Padres. To be honest, I feel so good after playing home games here. Like pure happiness. 阿金:我想待在教士打球,老實說在教士主場打球的感覺真的很好 Kang : Like today was Monday, but there were so many fans at Petco. 酒駕姜:今天雖然是週一,但球場還是很多人呢 Kim : I can tell the Padres fans like me a lot, and they go out of their way to cheer me on. I don't know if I'll get this kind of acceptance at any other team. The San Diego weather is great too. But the Padres is a tough team to play for, in the perspective of a player. You're always competing for a spot with somebod y, because the team is constantly signing superstar players. I think that's the downside of teams that are serious about winning it all. 阿金: 能感受到教士球迷蠻愛戴我的,不知道如果是到別隊 會不會一樣這樣的被接受 但在這邊打球也蠻艱難的,因為球隊常常簽大咖球星來 需要靠成績競爭位置才行 Kang : I was thinking the Angels might be a good fit for you. 酒駕姜:我覺得天使蠻適合你的 Choi : Yeah the Angels are a pretty good team to play for. 崔胖:對呀,天使支不錯的球隊 Kim : I guess, like I would think day-to-day life would be pretty nice. But the team.. 阿金:我覺得在那邊生活應該是蠻棒的,但球隊的話… Kang : San Diego and Anaheim, same thing right? Kim : Nah but like the Angels as a team lose a lot. But the Padres is a team tha t is always trying to get that WS win. It's a lot of fun playing for that kind o f team. That's the reason I rate the Rays pretty high, because the Rays are like the Kiwoom Heroes of the MLB. 阿金: 天使一直在輸球欸…(但教士今年也差不多吧XD) 談在大聯盟打球的壓力 (On the pressures of playing in the MLB) Camera : Is there any pressure coming from the fact that you're in a way, repres enting Korea in the MLB? Kim : I'd be lying if I said there weren't any. Brother Kang first opened up the possibility of Korean infielders to join the MLB by being posted in 2015. After then a ton of Korean players went to the MLB, but no one did as well as Ka ng did. Brother Choi is different because he brought himself up to the MLB throu gh the Minor League system. 阿金提了酒駕姜開啟了韓職野手旅美的大門 I was only able to come over to the MLB, and on such a good contract, because Ka ng pioneered the way for us Korean infielders. 阿金:我能到美國打球&拿到現在這張合約都受惠於姜的開路 What I fear now, is that I might become that standard for all the Korean players that come to the MLB in the future. Especially during my first year, my biggest fear was "What if the MLB stops bringing in infielders from the KBO as imports because my performance is bad?" 阿金: 所以在大聯盟打球讓我最害怕的是 我會不會變成大聯盟球團之後看韓職球員的模板 尤其是來的第一年,那時很害怕會不會因為我打那麼爛 就讓大聯盟以後不再簽韓職內野手了 Kang : I agree with you 100%. Since I was the first Korean player to be posted w hen I signed with the Pirates, there would be no future instances of KBO players being posted to the MLB the moment I started to underperform. That actually bug ged me a lot when I played in the MLB. 酒駕姜:100%同意 Choi : For me it was the exact opposite. I never played in the KBO, so there wer e no eyes on me when I started playing baseball in the US. Like some people actu ally thought I was Korean-American. I was always here, like when Choo (Shin-soo Choo, former Indians/Reds/Rangers) and Lee (Dae-ho Lee, former Mariners) were pl aying in the MLB, I was also playing in the MLB. But all the attention from Kore a went to them, and I went unnoticed. The media and Korean fandom slowly started to give me attention when I had a decent career with the Rays 崔胖: 我沒這種感覺欸,畢竟我是直接去美國打球 有些人還誤以為我是韓裔美國人呢XD 是在我在光芒打出來才開始受到關注的 聊韓職洋將 Choi : Like some KBO scouters will still call me at times asking about certain p layers. When I would get those calls, I'd visit our AAA roster and tell them wha t I thought about the player in question. 崔胖:韓職球探會打電話來問某某選手打怎樣 Kang : Man, I used to play for the Kiwoom Heroes, I don't know why the Heroes do n't call me asking about this kinda stuff. What do you think Kim? 酒駕姜:英雄怎麼都沒打來問我? Kim : I mean I'll get some of those calls too, but to be honest I don't know any of that stuff. I got sent up to play in the big leagues pretty quick, so I'm no t qualified, per se, to say anything about anybody. Kang : But like you have that hunch as a baseball player right, you get to see c ertain guys play a full game. Scouters only see clips of these guys. Kim : Uhh, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this. Like when I got a call askin g about O'Grady (Brian O'Grady) from Son Hyuk, (head of the Hanhwa Eagles) I tol d him exactly what I knew about him. I told him he works out hard, has good powe r, and has good defense. Like when O'Grady was with the Padres, I would always t hink to myself that Brian would become a great player if given the opportunity. 阿金則有被韓華問過Brian O'Grady Kang : So TLDR, you were the reason behind Hanhwa's O'Grady fiasco. (O'Grady did not do so well in Korea, he went down in KBO history as the 3rd import to go ho mer-less, and is regarded by Hanhwa fans as the worst import hitter in the org's history) 酒駕姜:所以韓華今年簽Brian O'Grady是因為你喔? 註:O'Grady今年在韓職OPS.336,已遭釋出,被韓華球迷視為隊史最爛洋砲 Kim : I.. I'm sorry. But like all I did was tell Hanhwa exactly what I saw. I ki nda feel sorry for it though. There's a GIF of him in Korea too, of a female fan cussing him out after he struck out at bat. 金:抱歉……但我只是把我所看到的說出來而已 Kang : When I was analyzing O'Grady's clips... Kim : But like, to be honest, it's not my fault! 金:而且這不是我的錯吧 日常飲食 (On Kim's diet and routine) Kim : My parents are with me here at SD, so they cook for me quite often. My par ents and I are both wary on me losing body weight. 金:目前爸媽和我一起住在SD,所以常常是他們煮給我吃 和Tommy Pham的小故事 (Stories about Tommy Pham) Kim : I'll tell y'all a story because this is YT. Pham took really good care of me, and we were actually on very good terms. But one day, I think it was against Houston, I don't think I played that game either. During the 1st inning, Pham t exted me out of nowhere "Hey Kim let's go clubbing after" 在來的第一年,有一天阿金沒上場比賽 當天是打太空人 然後在第一局時他卻突然收到Tommy Pham的簡訊 約他賽後去夜店玩 Choi : The dude really loves to go clubbing. 崔胖:Pham超愛去夜店的 Kim : Since I knew I wasn't playing, I was like why not. I even left my translat or and went alone. When I arrived hough, I was literally the only Asian person there. I was kinda sussed out, but then I heard some shots being fired. I was th inking to myself "Oh s**t" because I thought it was gunfire. Turns out the sound s were from the firecrackers that go off when someone orders drinks. It was my f irst year in the US and I was so scared because I didn't know anything back then . 阿金: 我想說反正我沒比賽,那就去吧 甚至連翻譯都沒帶就自己跑去了 但到場發現現場只有他一位亞洲人 此時突然有類似槍聲的聲音 還好那只是店家在有人點酒時會放炮慶祝罷了 但真的把他嚇了一大跳 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1691125441.A.147.html

183 則留言

Jaguarsu, 1F

LukeSkywaker, 2F

gn01948540, 3F

catsondbs, 4F

hdotistyle, 5F

edhuang, 6F

cool34, 7F

windmai, 8F

max011060, 9F
反觀.. 門已關上

Texsogood, 10F

catsondbs, 11F

ken720331, 12F

huangjyuan, 13F

hexokinase, 14F
ops.336 不是我的錯吧XD

shigurew, 15F

jason1515, 16F
天使爛歸爛 目前勉強還有五成 教士勝率還沒五成呢

WasJohnWall, 17F

discoveryray, 18F

tsaodin0220, 19F
大谷:阿金臭爽沒? 不然跟我換阿

new2488, 20F

losel, 21F

bmwnyy870915, 22F

jason1515, 23F
要不是阿金不認識大王 我還以為是在臭大王呢

tsaodin0220, 24F
第二段酒駕姜跟阿金 再看看台灣的 呵呵

losel, 25F

louis0724, 26F

louis82828, 27F

Kenter027, 28F
問選手 球探真好當==

dinosaurjr, 29F
問一下阿金就簽洋將 笑死

chyng1202, 30F
阿金有夠誠實 給推

WasJohnWall, 31F
小玉很努力吧 只是能力不夠

A00610lol, 32F

Jaguarsu, 33F

Jaguarsu, 34F

giantkuma, 35F

sky1542, 36F

fuyu1112, 37F
大王公認練球認真 就是實力不到而已

cool34, 38F
教士去年不錯啦 外卡戰PK掉大都會 又過了宇宙躲這關

ccris, 39F

ReinerBraun, 172F
阿金是誰 好好說話很難?

DukeMonkey, 173F
小玉:看我幹嘛 我沒關中職野手的門

sfw0199, 174F

chiki428, 175F

gyarados, 176F
好喔 一次臭一堆

brg17, 177F

nihow78, 178F

PNXkbara, 179F

marty7976, 180F

Ofnir, 181F

sausalito, 182F

jhb0520, 183F

jax56, 184F

jesuisbigC, 185F